Royal Victoria Hospital

J's Story - Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, Québec

“A couple of days after my Son's birth there came a social worker into my room knowing I had a disability, was single and a young mum already, coming across as nice and soft spoken she did NOT identify herself as looking to start an adoption process she asked to hold my Son (for a minute) and then brought another woman into my room.”

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Alicia's Story - Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, Ontario

“I was in tears. I was alone and scared that something was wrong. I had never felt a pain so strong and crushing before. I continued to call my nurse only to be ignored. It had been 8 hours of excruciating pain when a different nurse finally came in. She immediately ran to get my OB and within minutes I was being taken for a C-section. I was in class 3 HELLP syndrome. My liver was about to burst. I was about to die. I almost lost my life and my nurse thought it was gas.”

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Amanda's Story - Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie

"So she finally calls the doctor in. He does a bedside ultrasound. He looks at me and says, 'No heartbeat.' 
Tears came down my face. I looked at him and said 'What?'
He said, 'Did you not hear me? Your baby is dead.'"


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K.M.'s Story - Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie

"I woke up from my c-section to be told that I had a boy. They would not answer me as to where he was or if he was okay. I asked at least 3 times. It wasn't until I asked if he was alive that they answered that he was okay"

"My records showed that the doctor had performed a cervix check prior to waking me up to announce me needing a c-section. I have no memory of this cervix check. I was asleep, He apparently requested consent from me while I was asleep."


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JJ's Story - Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie

"I filed a complaint with the hospital. It was largely ignored. The birth unit manager told me they didn't have a lot of experience in this area and that she was sorry they had over-reacted. That was it. How could they not have experience with this? I have had no closure because complaints made to them went nowhere.

I wanted my last birth experience to be joyful, I wanted to have those happy memories. They were stolen from me by this incompetent hospital. I will never be the same again."


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Kiwi's Story - Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie

"We thought maybe, just maybe, she was hungry so my boyfriend started feeding her and decided not to take the bottle away (even though the nurses were SO SURE she only needed a small amount to be full) and sure enough she ate more, and WOW, NO CRYING! So after thinking we had a child who was very unhappy, it turned out the nurses were making us starve her. How were we supposed to know?" 


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